About UddannelsesGuiden
On the website UddannelsesGuiden (the Education Guide) - ug.dk - you can find information about educational programmes, adult education and continuing training, as well as job and labour market conditions in Denmark.
The aim of UddannelsesGuiden is to supply precise and updated information for everyone in Denmark seeking job, education, business or labour market information.
The information is organised to focus on specific target groups; children and young people seeking general and vocational upper secondary education, young and adult students, adults seeking courses and continuing education and training, as well as counsellors and others with an interest in educational conditions.
Several Danish educations are offered in English and are also targeted foreign students. These educations are described on www.studyindenmark.dk. You may also find information on studying in Denmark in general, entry requirements and other useful information.
Styrelsen for it og læring, which is a body under the Ministry of Children and Education, is responsible for the editorial content of the portal.
The content of the portal is the property of the Ministry of Children and Education. Deep links to pages on ug.dk are welcome.