Valgfrit uddannelseselement Module 1 AI (enkelt fag)
Undervisningen foregår på engelsk og er tilrettelagt som fuldtidsuddannelse over et semester eller som intensive kurser i sommer- eller vinterperioden.
Enkeltfagene henvender sig til dig, der fx arbejder inden for områderne film, fashion, nye medier eller relaterede områder. Hvis du har en anden baggrund, kan du bruge fagene som en mulighed for at ændre din profil og få nye kompetencer.
Startdato: | 03/02/2025 |
Slutdato: | 23/05/2025 |
Optagelsesfrist: | 01/01/2025 |
Afholdelsesform: | Dagundervisning |
Hjemmeside: | |
Kontaktinformation: | VIA University College, Filmby Aarhus (VIA_Filmby Aarh) 87551037 |
Undervisningen foregår: |
Filmbyen 2 8000 Aarhus C |
Pris: | 57 500.00 |
Tilmeldingsblanket: | Skolens tilmeldingsblanket |
Skolens tilmeldingsside: |
Embracing new workflows and skills
The creative industries are experiencing rapid transformation with the adoption of new workflows, particularly supported by Generative AI tools. Many who experiment with AI tools initially marvel at their potential, only to quickly realize the complexity of eliciting precise outputs. Some of the classic concepts in artistic creation, such as control versus randomness, come sharply into focus when working with AI. The art of effective communication with AI tools, creating co-intelligence, is vital. Creatives need to develop a new approach to creativity—a new mindset—in order to fully exploit these new opportunities. This transformation is what the course aims to facilitate.
Building knowledge of new ways to produce
The course will introduce new methods and theories that will prepare you for how films will be produced in the future. These skills will set you apart in a competitive market post-programme. A significant portion of the teaching and supervision will be delivered by industry professionals.
Exploring the intersection of AI and emerging technologies
The FilmAI programme extends an invitation to students with an interest in Virtual Production (VP) and Extended Reality (XR) technologies to explore their potential. With our MiXR Lab facility, students can choose to delve deeper into their preferred technology, combining AI with live-video-recordings to execute compelling projects.
Engage in a creative learning environment
Students participate in all lectures and work on their projects within the programme’s dedicated creative workshop classroom. With 24-hour access to professional equipment, students can fully bring their creative ideas to life. The workshop classroom includes digital production facilities, workspaces, a small kitchen, and a lounge area, fostering a warm and friendly atmosphere. Our exchange students typically develop a deep affection for our international semesters - we hope you will, too.